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Buying insurance can be expensive, but living and working without it can cost much more in the long run. Insurance protects you from financial ruin in the event the building in which you live or work, and the contents of that space, are damaged and/or lost. Insurance can also defend you in a lawsuit.

This chapter discusses various aspects of insuring your space, including understanding insurance policies, types of insurance policies, insuring artwork and equipment, and purchasing insurance.

Insurance Terms

To grasp the ins and outs of an insurance policy, you must first understand the industry's language. Basic insurance terms:

Benefit : The amount of money paid by the insurance provider when you suffer damage, injury or loss covered by your policy.

Claim: A notice by you or other injured parties to the insurance provider that a loss (injury, damage or destruction of property) has occurred, and that you are seeking payment of benefits.

Clause: A section of the policy that deals with a specific subject. For example, an Exclusion Clause might detail which hazards and perils the insurance provider will and will not reimburse you for.

Coverage: The amount of protection against damage, injury and loss the insurance policy will provide.

Exclusions: Conditions or circumstances that the provider will not cover. For example, your homeowner's policy might exclude floods. Exclusions are listed in the policy.

Deductible: The amount of money you must pay before your insurance provider will provide coverage.

Hazard: A specific situation or condition that increases the likelihood of damage, injury or loss. For examples, an icy sidewalk or building located in a high crime area (which has an increase chance of being burglarized).

Indemnity: The amount of money you are reimbursed by the insurance company when you suffer a loss. This amount is predetermined and outlined in your policy.

Policy: The written document (contract) between you and the insurance provider that details the type of coverage you have, the benefits you will receive, the amount and payment cycle of the premium and the hazards and perils the insurance company will and will not cover.

Premium: The payment required to maintain your insurance coverage for a certain period of time.

Peril: The cause of the damage, injury or loss.

Rider: This is an extension added on a policy that deals with a specific issue or condition of coverage, such as how to cover an artist's studio.

Risk: The degree of chance that damage to property, injury or loss will occur.

Term: The period of time (number of days, months or years) that your insurance policy is in effect. The term has a specific start date and end date.


The Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner: monitors and regulates the insurance industry in Washington. Its primary objective is to protect state residents and ensure insurance providers can pay benefits to those who file claims.

The Office of the Insurance Commissioner can assist you in obtaining information about an insurance provider's license. You can also file complaints about insurance companies to the Division, as well as contact them with insurance questions.

Residential Issues

If you want to work in a residential space, insurance issues can become complicated. Not only are you balancing the requirements of a lease or mortgage company, but you are also dealing with zoning laws and building codes that regulate use of residential space. Added to this already complex formula is the need to protect your property from damage or loss at a price you can afford.

It might be difficult to locate an insurance policy that will cover your live/work arrangement. Some providers will cover the living portion of the space, but not the workspace -- or exclude certain art or business activities from coverage. Other policies might cover both needs, but cost too much. Don't panic: Understanding the issues involved in insuring residential space enables you to better locate the type of policy that meets your needs, in terms of both coverage and costs.

When it comes to insuring a workspace in a residential setting, providers consider two primary issues:

  1. Does your use of the space require special and/or additional coverage?

  2. Are you using the space for commercial purposes?

If you own your space, read and understand the fine print of the homeowner's policy. Some policies will specifically exclude coverage for certain activities such as welding or operating a business on the premises.

If you convert your third bedroom into a small clay studio, and teach art workshops out of your home, you might be in danger of not being covered if a disaster strikes. This can occur if the insurance company views either activity - the teaching or the studio -- as a business, and voids the policy.

This may also be the case if you are renting a space in another residential building -- for example, if you rent the room in your neighbor's coach house as a rehearsal space. In addition, if your workspace is in an outbuilding such as a coach house or work shed, your homeowner's policy might not cover the building at all, and separate coverage for this space might be required.

Some providers offer insurance that specifically covers an art studio in residential spaces. This type of insurance policy is often known as an artist studio rider, and can be added as an addendum to an already-existing homeowner's insurance policy. Some home-based business policies specifically cover arts and crafts ventures.

Whether you do or do not collect income from your artwork can also determine if your primary homeowner's insurance policy will be honored. Some policies allow for hobby use, meaning there is little to no financial gain from the activity. However, the moment you began making money from the activity on a consistent basis, your "hobby" might be considered a business, and your coverage voided. Certain hobbies might be excluded from coverage under a hobby clause.

In the above example, if you rent the coach house studio, you still must check the property owner's policy to make sure the building is covered, and that your activities in the space are not excluded. Even if you do not sell your artwork, the homeowner's insurance provider might view the rental arrangement as a business and void the policy, leaving you at risk in the event of a disaster. In addition, you will probably need to obtain additional insurance to cover your personal belongings, art work, equipment and supplies.

If you are renting a live/work or residential-only space, obtain adequate coverage to protect both your art and other property (clothes, furniture, equipment, etc.). Although a conventional renter's insurance policy will cover your basic belongings, make sure your policy does not exclude artwork, supplies and expensive equipment. If so, you may need to obtain additional coverage.

Just as if you owned the space, make sure the building owner's policy is not voided if you run a business out of your unit, or use the space for certain activities (i.e. welding, dance studio, etc.). If you are renting a residential space, take these precautions regardless of the type of space you are using (house, flat, apartment, etc.).

Ask your landlord which type of coverage s/he has on the building, and make sure they agree -- preferably in writing -- to your use of the space. If you use the space in a manner inconsistent with what the lease allows, you might not be covered in the event of a calamity. You could also face eviction.

For more detailed information on insurance issues associated with leasing residential property, see Chapter 6: Residential Leases

Commercial / Industrial Issues

The primary difference between insuring commercial or industrial space and insuring residential space is price, with commercial and industrial insurance almost always more expensive. When renting commercial or industrial space, ask the building owner and/or manager about which types of policies s/he has, amounts of coverage, and any exclusions that might affect your use of the space. In addition, if you are renting a commercial space, obtain your own policy that specifically covers your space, equipment and artwork.

If renting in a multi-unit building, check the owner's policy. Many insurance providers will not cover certain hazards and perils unless they can insure the entire building. In addition, if you have a net lease you might be expected to assist in paying these costs, which could become expensive due to other tenants' activities. Ensure that your use of the space is compliant with the lease. For more detailed information on insurance issues associated with leasing commercial and industrial property, see Chapter 7: Commercial and Residential Leases. For example, perhaps you operate a small office with two employees, but your neighbor runs a large restaurant that is always busy. The risk from high public use of the restaurant space might inflate the price of the liability insurance. You might be expected to help shoulder the cost of a service you do need.

If you are purchasing a commercial space, expect your insurance premiums to be higher. Depending on whether the space is owner-occupied or leased to others, you might face a variety of insurance policies, which are covered later in this chapter.

TIP: Being under-insured involves risks. Read the fine print to be sure you have the type of coverage you need.

TIP: Also be careful about over-insuring.

TIP: Most property insurance policies do not cover artwork. You might have to add an insurance rider or get an entirely different policy to cover your work.

TIP: If you are considering purchasing a space, see Chapter 8: Buying Real Estate and Chapter 11: Models of Ownership for more information.

Insurance Policies

Insurance policies are complicated, and sometimes involve copious amounts of "fine print" and technical language through which you must muddle. When purchasing a policy, you need to ask plenty of questions to make sure the policy you are buying provides you with the type of coverage you want and need.

Purchasing insurance and deciding which provider to choose can be a confusing and overwhelming task, given the number of options available. The insurance market is highly competitive, so shop around.

When comparing policies, evaluate the same aspects of both policies: deductible amounts, exclusions, inclusions, limits, caps and other stipulations. Perceived bargains might actually leave you under-insured, once you take a closer look. Or, you might over-pay for services that can be found at a less expensive price.

Key things to consider when reviewing a policy include:

  • The company's reliability

  • Exclusions

  • Clauses in the package

  • Limits on the coverage

  • Deductible amount

  • Whether it is a replacement cost or actual cost policy

  • Whether it will cover all your needs

  • If you get multiple policies with the same company, and/or discounts

  • Discounts the company offers


While you policy-shop, remember that the premium is based upon the risk the provider associates with the property, and how the space is used. While rates for a commercial property will most likely be higher than those for a residential space, providers look at a host of other issues when determining the cost of your premium, including:

  • Is the building owner-occupied?

  • Does the building have a single tenant, or many?

  • How will the space be used (residential vs. commercial)?

  • Are security and safety systems in place (sprinkler systems, security guards, etc.)?

  • What is the building's age and location?

  • What is the building's proximity to emergency services such as fire stations?

  • What other types of businesses and organizations are in the building?

  • What types of activities will occur in the building?

The insurance provider will also examine your claim history and the number of years you have been with the company. Taken together, these factors will influence the type of insurance package you purchase, and the amount you must pay for the coverage.

Other major factors that influence the cost of your premium include:

Amount of the Deductible: The deductible is the amount you pay when a loss occurs. For example, if you have property insurance with a deductible of $500, and a camera worth $950 is stolen, you pay the first $500 and your insurance will cover the $450 remainder. Typically, a higher deductible translates into an overall lower cost for the policy. Considering that you may only make a claim when a major issue arises, a high deductible may be a good option when obtaining coverage.

Replacement Cost vs. Actual Cash Value: Let's consider the same camera, which you bought new for $950 four years ago, which has depreciated in value and is now worth only $650. Due to inflation, it would cost $1,200 or more to purchase the new model. With a replacement cost policy, you will be covered for the full cost of replacing the item with a similar item of the same type and quality. In other words, the insurance provider will give you $1,200 to spend on a new camera.

An actual cash value policy will only reimburse you for the value of the item at the time it was stolen or damaged. In this scenario, you would only be reimbursed $650 for the camera; $550 short of what you need in order to replace the stolen item with one of comparable performance and value.

Premiums for replacement cost insurance are more expensive, but depending on the cost of replacing your equipment, might be worth the expense. Even with a replacement cost policy, however, the policy might have payment caps that limit the maximum costs you will be reimbursed per incident on any particular item. Using the above example, although it costs $1,200 to replace the camera, if the policy has a limit of $1000 per incident for each camera, the most you could collect is $1000.

Occurrence vs. Claims Made: Another clause that affects the cost of your policy is whether your coverage is a claims-made or occurrence policy. The primary difference between these two types of coverage deals with the timing of filing claims. With a claims-made policy you must file your claim during the time period that coverage is in effect. For example, say you only have two weeks left on your policy when a major storm hits, knocking a tree on your roof, which requires the entire roof and bay window to be replaced.

In order for you to be covered by a claims-made policy, you would have to file the claim before the plan expired in two weeks. However, suppose the storm caused structural damage that you did not discover until months after the policy ended. If you were covered by an occurrence policy you would be protected, because the incident occurred while your policy was in effect.

Again, a claims-made policy would not cover the damages because you discovered the problem and filed the claim after the policy ended. As you can imagine, the ability to go back months, even years to file a claim on an expired policy comes with a significant difference in price.


Insuring space can become expensive, which often deters artists from obtaining the proper coverage for their spaces. While you may not be able to afford the crème de la crème of insurance packages, you should try to obtain at least a basic coverage that will replace your belongings in the event of catastrophe or theft. This is especially crucial if you have expensive artwork and/or equipment in your space.

Shop around when looking for insurance. Many companies have a variety of options at a variety of prices. Some non-profit or professional organizations also provide reduced insurance coverage to their membership. In addition, many small business organizations offer group rates to their members. On-line services such as Direct Quote, Insweb and Select Quote provide information on several insurance packages from a variety of providers upon completing a questionnaire.

For space, coverage can range in price from a few dollars a month to a few thousand per year. Some basic renter's insurance policies can be as low as $20 per month, while art studio insurance policies that provide coverage for artwork off-site and in transit can be around $100 per month. Certain types of policies offer a standardized coverage package for a set price as long as your space and/use falls within their guidelines. This is typically true for specialty coverage.

Your premium's price depends on so many factors that the best way to find what it will cost you to insure your particular space is to start your search and comparison process.


There are three principal channels through which insurance is sold - brokers, agents and direct sellers.

  • Insurance Brokers: Brokers sell the products of many different insurance companies and therefore can offer an array of choices. Be aware that no one broker represents all companies, so if you would like a selection of quotations to choose from, you should consult with more than one broker and ask which companies each represents. The primary benefit to using a broker is that they have access and information about a variety of insurance products from several companies at once.

  • Insurance Agents: Agents represent the products of only one insurance company. Companies that use their own agents to sell their products are called "direct insurers". Agents may not be able to offer the consumer as wide a range of products as a broker. However, depending on your needs, most direct insurers offer a broad enough selection to meet the needs of most consumers at a competitive price. Some agents may also offer "in-house" discounts that a broker cannot.

  • Direct Sellers: Also called "direct-response insurers," these sellers work like insurance agents in that they generally only sell products from their particular company. The difference is that direct sellers sell their insurance products over the telephone from a central location, rather than through local agents or offices. Geico is an example of a direct seller insurance provider. A big downfall of direct sellers is that face-to-face contact with the provider is almost non-existent. The upside is that these companies can often offer lower prices to the consumer.

Today many insurance providers are selling insurance over the Internet, offering quotations in rapid time and in some cases even selling policies on-line. Be careful when shopping for insurance over the Internet. When comparing prices and services, make sure you are comparing apples with apples and oranges with oranges.

Each policy is different and the lowest price may not suit your coverage needs. The goal is to make sure you and your property are protected when and if you make a claim. Remember to ask the right questions and as many as you need too before you buy.

Credit and Insurance

In Washington State, insurance providers can use your credit report when determining the price of your insurance. In addition, providers can use your credit history to decide whether or not to provide you with insurance or to renew and/or cancel an already existing policy. While many insurers will use other factors to determine your rates such as where the property is located or how the space will be used, Washington state law stipulates insurance companies can base their decisions solely on your credit rating, however they must notify you in clear concise language if they decide to take the following actions based upon your credit score:

  • Cancel, deny or non-renew coverage

  • Give more limited coverage

  • Limit benefits, such as eligibility for dividends

  • Do not offer the best rate available

  • Add a premium surcharge or do not offer a discount

In Washington State, insurance providers can use your credit report when determining the price of your insurance. In addition, providers can use your credit history to decide whether or not to provide you with insurance or to renew and/or cancel an already existing policy. While many insurers will use other factors to determine your rates such as where the property is located or how the space will be used, Washington state law stipulates insurance companies can base their decisions solely on your credit rating, however they must notify you in clear concise language if they decide to take the following actions based upon your credit score:

  • Cancel, deny or non-renew coverage

  • Give more limited coverage

  • Limit benefits, such as eligibility for dividends

  • Do not offer the best rate available

  • Add a premium surcharge or do not offer a discount

The upside to this practice is that if a provider is unwilling to cover you individually, your organization or your business, they must offer you alternative coverage through another insurer. Unfortunately, in situations where you were denied a renewal on an existing policy or it was cancelled, the alternate policy does not have to provide the same amount of coverage or identical terms and conditions as the original policy. This is also true in cases where you were seeking to establish a new policy and the provider denied you coverage.

If an insurance provider uses your credit information to determine your premium rate, they must inform you of this at the time of your application. For detailed information about the laws concerning insurance and credit, contact the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner at 1-800-562-6900 24 hours per day.

TIP: When comparing policies, make sure you are comparing apples with apples. What may look like a bargain may actually leave you under-insured once you factor in all the costs, deductions and stipulations.

TIP: Financial planning guru Suze Orman offers a host of resources to help locate and buy insurance coverage, especially health and life insurance.

Types of Insurance

The remainder of this section explains select insurance policies to cover space or artwork. If you are considering purchasing a space, you might benefit from reviewing Types of Mortgage Insurance in Chapter 8: Buying Real Estate. Additional information on insurance issues for condominiums and co-operatives is also covered in Chapter 11: Models of Ownership.

Home-Based Business

A home-based business policy might be a sound option for coverage if your studio is in your home. Many homeowner's policies exclude coverage of an in-house art studio. And while an artist's rider might be available as an addendum to an already-existing homeowner's policy, your studio coverage might be excluded, depending on the production methods you use -- for example, a blowtorch for handmade glass beads -- or whether you offer classes.

Consistent sales of your artwork, or operation of an official small business in your space, might void the homeowner's policy, as the insurance company views these as commercial activities occurring in a residential space. In these scenarios, a home-based business policy might be necessary. Each insurance provider determines which businesses are covered under their policies. Businesses might include consulting practices, interior design, real estate, small-scale manufacturing, arts and crafts, etc. In addition, these policies also provide some level of property and liability coverage. You might need to supplement your policy with additional, specialized policies. Look into a home-based policy if you know you will be running commercial activities out of your home, as they are considerably cheaper than commercial liability policies.

Homeowner's or Hazard

These are required for both commercial and residential mortgages, and protect your property against loss from fire and other hazards. Typically, the lender requires coverage to reflect the loan amount. For example, if your mortgage is $150,000, then you would typically need $150,000 in insurance coverage.

Obtain enough coverage to replace your property and its contents as well. Ensure that your policy covers your artwork and other property, to what extent, and under what conditions.

For additional information about home owner's insurance policies, review Types of Mortgage Insurance. Chapter 8: Buying Real Estate.


Along with your property insurance, obtain general liability or casualty insurance to cover you in the event that someone accidentally sustains an injury in your space and sues you. The insurance company will provide the attorneys to defend you and the monies for any settlements.

Liability insurance also protects you if you are inadvertently responsible for damage to other people's property. For instance, if you accidentally start a fire in your studio that damages three other studios, the tenants in those studios and the building owner will expect compensation from you. Your liability policy will cover you in such a situation. Most homeowner's insurance policies will provide a level of liability coverage if you own a residential space. However, if you are a renter, you might need to obtain separate liability coverage.

If you are operating a commercial space such as a gallery or theater, and your premises are regularly open to public access, you must obtain a commercial general liability policy, or CGL. It is wise to have your liability policy written as a primary coverage policy. If you have a variety of policies through several companies, chances are that some portion of your coverage will overlap. In the event of a claim, your providers might spend valuable time bickering over which company pays what. If you have a liability policy written to provide primary coverage, the provider of the primary coverage policy will be the first to address and pay a stated claim. If a balance remains, your other provider(s) will then take effect and pay all or a portion of the balance.


Whether you lease or own your space, it is highly recommended that you obtain property insurance, which will cover any damages or loss of the building and its contents. Under a property insurance policy, coverage for the actual building will typically be limited only to damage and/or replacement of the roof or interior/exterior walls. The property's floors, electrical systems, ventilation, etc. will not be covered. In addition, property insurance covers ordinary risks such as fire or vandalism, but often excludes damages caused by floods and civil riots. The building's plumbing, heating and ventilation systems are also often excluded from coverage.

If you a purchasing a building, consider investing in a replacement cost policy -- even though it might be expensive and difficult to obtain. When you declare the costs to rebuild, include information about the building and the actual construction costs. A contractor or appraiser can help you determine the cost of rebuilding the property.

In addition, if you lease a space and make major improvements during your occupancy, notify your insurance company so that your policy will be adjusted to reflect these improvements. For more information about insurance issues in a leased commercial or industrial space, review Chapter 7: Commercial and Industrial Leases.

Renter's Insurance

If you rent your living space in a residential property, you will want to at least obtain a renter's insurance policy, which will reimburse you for your possessions if they are lost, stolen or damaged by fire or other calamity. Some policies provide both liability and property coverage, while others might cover the cost of temporary shelter if an emergency forces you to leave your space.

As with home owner's insurance, your policy might be voided if you are running a business out of your space. Because many policies have caps placed on the reimbursement amount of some items, you might need to get an additional policy or rider to insure expensive art equipment and/or art work. Check your policy to see if your artwork and/or equipment are covered outside of the space, to what extent, and under what conditions. Renter's insurance policies vary, depending on the amount of coverage you have and location of the apartment. However, policies can be obtained for a little as $20 per month.


Building Equipment and Vital Systems Insurance covers building systems such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing. It does not cover normal wear and tear that leads to the replacement of equipment and/or systems, but does cover unexpected problems such as a boiler explosion. Coverage of these systems is normally excluded from a property policy, so you must purchase this separately. Consider this policy if you have an expensive ventilation set-up or other system.

Business Income Insurance , also known has Business Interruption Insurance, takes effect when you are unable to work due to problems with your space. For example, a fallen tree leaves a gaping hole in the roof above your studio-based photography business, making your space is unusable for three months. If the incident causing temporary suspension of business operations is covered by your Business Income Insurance policy, the policy will cover your loss of income during the repair period.

Trade Fixtures and Inventory: While your property insurance will cover the building should a disaster strike, it might not cover your equipment and supplies. Say you run a small theater, and a fire destroys your expensive lighting systems and bolts of costume fabric. Even if the damage is repaired rather quickly, you will still be unable to put on productions until you get the funds to replace the lighting and buy more fabric. In this situation, insurance for your fixtures, lighting, inventory and fabric would take effect and reimburse you for your loss.

TIP: Each type of policy covers a different situation. Depending on what your space is used for, you might need several policies.

TIP: Have your commercial liability policy (CGL) written as the "primary" policy, so that when a claim is made, the CGL provider will be the first to address the claim. Any additional policies that cover the claim will become secondary, and cover whatever reimbursements need to be made after you have reached your coverage cap with the CGL policy.

Insuring Art and Equipment

It can be difficult to find insurance that covers your art, especially if you do not have an established market presence. Insurance is about being able to place a clear monetary value on your property; despite your own feelings about the value of your work, unless you have proof that your work commands a certain value in the marketplace, you will run into difficulty convincing an insurance agent that the price of your piece is worth receiving compensation for the amount you dictate.

Because most providers do not like insuring items that have an ambiguous value, many policies will only compensate you for the actual costs of the materials. If you spent $20 in paints and canvas to create your masterpiece, you can expect to receive only $20 in compensation. Your time and the "emotional" value you place on the piece will not be considered in the reimbursement. In addition, you often will not be compensated for works in progress.

However, do not fret. Although hard to find, there are plans out there that will cover your artwork. Besides covering your studio or creations, some policies will cover your work when it is in transit, being shipped to another location (i.e. exhibitions, museums, moving, etc.).

Some policies provide coverage for specific art practices (jewelry making, dance studios, musical instruments, metal workers, etc.), while others protect art exhibitions or vendors and their wares at art fairs and other special events. The types of policies available are nearly endless. Collectors, gallery owners, museums and dealers can often find insurance that covers the entire price of any artwork in their possession. In the eyes of the insurance carrier, artwork in the hands of a collector or gallery owner has an established market value, which the provider can easily put a price tag on.

In addition to covering your work, consider coverage for your equipment -- especially if you have expensive or irreplaceable equipment such as film and video cameras, computers, kilns, foundry equipment, or musical instruments. Consider this type of policy when your basic property coverage or renter's insurance policy is insufficient, or excludes the item you want to insure.

Many basic property policies will only cover an item as long as it remains on the premises of the insured space. This could become problematic if your equipment needs to leave the building often and costs a substantial amount. A specialized policy will also work in this case for a variety of off-premise art activities (i.e., a film shoot or music or arts festival).

For example, imagine you are a professional photographer, and your basic property policy sets a limit of $250 to replace a damaged or stolen camera. You have a professional model camera that costs nearly $1,500, and is used outside the studio frequently for shoots. Given your unique requirements - replacement of an expensive piece of equipment, and the need to have the equipment insured even when not on the premises -- a specialized equipment policy is needed.

In many cases, these policies will cover you for theft and damage of the item, even when you are using it off-premises. In addition to special equipment policies, you can also find policies that will cover your artwork/equipment when it is in transit or being shipped to exhibitions/performances and becomes lost or damaged.

TIP: To learn more about the types of insurance policies available to cover mortgages, For more information Chapter 8: Buying Real Estate.


Aon Huntington Block
Customized insurance policies for a variety of art space-related needs, with special emphasis on museums.

Chubb Group
Insurance for museums and cultural institutions. Must purchase insurance through agents.

Collector's Risk
Provides specialized insurance policies to galleries, museums, art dealers, and private and corporate collections.

Flather & Perkins Insurance Co.
Liability and commercial events, trade shows and art-related events. Fine Arts packages for works in progress, and damage claims.

Francis L. Dean Associates, Inc.
Dance studio insurance.

Hartford Financial Services Group
Offers customized packages for art space insurance, as well as home-based business and small business policies. Policies must be purchased through an insurance agent.

Hub International Insurance
Formerly known as Kaye Fine Arts, this company provides insurance coverage for artists' own work, and coverage for collectors, galleries and other art-related insurance needs.

Insurance Information Institute
Q&A's on how to find an insurance broker, and helpful articles for businesses in Illinois. Website is geared toward demystifying the insurance industry.
Insurance brokers for the arts and entertainment industries. Art-related events, museums, institutions and galleries. Also offers touring artist insurance and a variety of liability coverages.

Marsh, Inc.
Through its Fine Art Practice, Marsh creates programs exclusively for art galleries and dealers, private and corporate art collectors, exhibitions, museum and university collections and other fine art related risks. They also insure artists' works and studios.

MusicPro Insurance Agency, LLC
Offers coverage for instruments and equipment, liability for studios and tours, etc.

RLI Insurance
RLI's In-Home Business Policy offers coverage for a variety of art and craft practices, including art studios, galleries, and artists' supplies.

Insurance Terms
Residential Issues
Commercial/Industrial Issues
Insurance Policies
Types of Insurance
Insurig Art & Equipment
Credit and Insurance

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